Jean-Pierre Arquié

1991... Professional pianist/arranger, then Director of the Jazz/Variety department of Éditions Salabert Jean-Pierre Arquié, future founder of JPAgency decided to direct his career towards music production for the cinema. In a discipline where everything remained to be done, he then began a long and fruitful collaboration with the composer Gabriel Yared, who won an Oscar in 1997 for the English Patient.
In 2012, with more than twenty years of experience in the service of music for the image, animated by a very personal vision of this profession and concerned to be part of an ever more creative quality approach, Jean-Pierre Arquié decided to found JPAgency, an "innovative" agency with a European vocation, whose objective is twofold:
- On the one hand, to ensure the representation and management of exceptional composers recognized talents, or young artists in the making, each with a very personal style and an equally original and relevant approach to the image. Today he represents in France and Europe Howard Shore, Bruno Coulais, Stephen Warbeck, Eric Neveux, Atli Örvarsson, Amine Bouhafa, Valentin Hadjadj ...
- On the other hand, to propose a real structure specialized in the accompaniment, advice, production and realization of their scores on the American model of "score producing". Actors on more than 300 films and TV series associated with numerous awards, it is with passion and high standards that we continue to develop this approach today, for Cinema, Series, TV Fiction, Documentary and Animation Film.