Alexandre Del Torchio

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Function: Composer WSAcademy: WSA Voting Member
Alexandre Del Torchio is composer and visual artist. After graduating from le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains, he studied acousmatic composition with Régis Renouard-Larivière. Alexandre plays concerts and performances, and composes acousmatic pieces and movie music. His installations explore mainly wave phenomena in contemplative or experimental projects. He works regularly with Chilean filmmakers René Ballesteros (Los sueños del castillo, 2018) and Carmen Castillo (Chili 1973 : une ambassade face au coup d’Etat, 2019), and Korean artist Heewon Lee (The rain, 2017). Among others, Alexandre awarded second prize acousmatic music in 2015 (Montreal), was selected same year at “Banc d’Essai” organised by INA-GRM Paris, and received SACEM original music award in 2019 at festival Cinéma du Réel in Paris.