Pilot projects InMICS presented at the Filmfestival of Aubagne

02 May 2017
The results of the InMics pilot projects were presented last month at the Filmfestival of Aubagne (FR). The four training institutes involved (CNSMD de Lyon, KASK & Conservatorium/School of Arts Ghent, Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini Bologna and the Faculté de Musique Université de Montréal) and three other professional partners (Permission Inc. Montréal, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna and the Festival International du Film d’Aubagne) also got together to finalise the two-year ‘International Master in Composition for Screen’ which will start in September 2018.
After a series of meetings (for example at Film Fest Gent), it was the Festival International du Film d’Aubagne’s turn to receive the international delegation. At Aubagne the results of two workshops with composers and directors were presented. You can find videos about these pilot projects here.
As one of the professional partners in the ICSS project (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) Film Fest Gent takes part in the development of the new, international Master’s programme InMICS, International Master in Composition for Screen.
Film Fest Gent was asked as a professional partner to contribute to the development of the Master course and to provide a direct link to the professional field with our expertise in film music.