Meet Cliff Martinez, Dan Romer, Francis Lai and Jef Neve

News 03 Sep 2014
On Saturday 25th of October you will have the opportunity to meet with some important members of the film music industry and performing artists from the World Soundtrack Awards.

Senior editor and writer at Variety Steve Chagollan and music director Dirk Brossé will have a discussion with music geniuses Cliff Martinez – ex-drummer of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers -, Discovery of 2013 Dan Romer, Lifetime Achievement Award winner Francis Lai and Belgian jazz pianist and composer Jef Neve.

They all have an impressive resumé: the score for ‘Drive’ and ‘Contagion’, the touching composition of ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’ the award winning soundtrack of ‘Love Story’ and the beautiful arrangements for the music of Belgian drama series ‘In Vlaamse Velden’. Those are a few examples of the work of our guests.

After the debate there will be a more private moment with the composers. Because of the limited space, we ask you to reserve your seats before 13/10 at the Monasterium Poortackere by sending an e-mail to

Practical information:

When? Saturday the 25th of October at 13:00
Where? Monasterium Poortackere

