Legowelt scores 'Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes'

Once described as an extremely intense and colourful living painting, this film tells the story of an obsessed and insane quest for the secret golden city of El Dorado through the inhospitable jungles of the Amazon rainforest.
Danny Wolfers is a Dutch electronic producer and DJ who reached world fame under the name Legowelt. He made a shortened, more visually oriented version of the film and provides the soundtrack with live synthesizers. Partly inspired by the original enchanting soundtrack by the German krautrock band Popol Vuh and the insane and legendary protagonist Klaus Kinski. This screening takes place in the Theaterzaal of Vooruit.
There's an afterparty after the film in the Ballroom of Vooruit with a DJ set by Legowelt himself and also sets by Chris Ferreira and DJ Nosedrip.