Group discounts for this year's Film Music Concerts

News 24 Aug 2015

10% group discount on Great British Film Music Concert and 15th WSA Concert and Ceremony

Groups counting more than 8 people get a 10% discount on their tickets for the Great British Film Music Concert (Rank 2) or the 15th World Soundtrack Awards Ceremony and Concert (Ranks 1 until 3). If you are interested in making a group reservation for (one of) these concerts, please contact

Student ticket for the 15th World Soundtrack Awards Concert and Ceremony

Students can buy a student ticket for the 15th World Soundtrack Awards Concert and Ceremony. For only €20 they can attend the prestigious Ceremony and Concert performed by Brussels Philharmonic and The Flemish Radio Choir, welcoming Lifetime Achievement Award’s recipient Patrick Doyle and Discovery of 2014 Daniel Pemberton and Alan Silvestri.

Buy your student ticket here.