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WSA Film Music Days - Intimate Conversation with Diego Baldenweg, Nora Baldenweg and Lionel Baldenweg

Edition 2024
During the WSA Intimate Conversations a small group of participants is invited to engage with experienced composers who share their views on the art of film, television and game scoring.

Building on their own experiences as an award-winning composer's trio, Diego Baldenweg with Nora Baldenweg & Lionel Baldenweg (In The Land of Saints and Sinners) will share their views on the art of film scoring with a small group of participants. What does is take to write an effective feature film score? How do collaborations shape their work? The conversation will be guided by questions from the audience.

Diego Baldenweg with Nora Baldenweg and Lionel Baldenwegare a Swiss/Australian composers trio best known for their emotional and distinctive scores for films such as the box office hit The Little Witch, the Oscar nominated La femme et le TGV and the bio-pic The Reformer Zwingli.

Location: Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent