Apply now for InMICS 2020-2022!

News 15 Nov 2019
The International Master in Composition for Screen has been running since September 2018, and it is now time to select new students for the academic term 2020-2022.

The second group of InMICS students will start the master's programme in September/October 2020 simultaneously in Lyon (France), Ghent (Belgium), Bologna (Italy) and Montreal (Canada).

Should you wish to be one of them, you are welcome to submit your application.

Applications are welcome from anyone who already composes music for screen. A bachelor’s degree in music or the equivalent is required. Applicants will be assessed first and foremost on their creative abilities, coupled with profound interest in music and visual media.

Deadline for applications is January 15, 2020 (noon GMT+1).

Find out more about the application procedure here or apply directly here.


Film music