Dear [fullname,fallback=],
It’s the time of the year when as a WSAcademy member you can submit composers and songs for consideration for the 2022 World Soundtrack Awards in the categories 'Film Composer of the Year', 'Television Composer of the Year', 'Best Original Song' and 'Discovery of the Year’.
To submit please go through the following steps: The eligibility period of this year is 16 June 2022 - 15 June 2022. You can find all the eligibility criteria in the WSA Rule Book.
From this year onwards, eligible composers that are Academy members won't have to pay a registration fee for the ‘Discovery of the Year” Award. If you want to submit a composer that is not a member of the Academy, please fill in the form with registration fee.
Submissions are open until 15 June 2022.
We look forward to receiving your suggestions!
→More info