Dear [fullname,fallback=],
We are very much looking forward to welcoming those of you who are able to make it to Ghent this week for the WSA Film Music Days! Three days of talks, music and meeting like-minded people culminate in a night devoted to a shared love for film music: the 22nd edition of the World Soundtrack Awards.
→ You can discover the full programme on our website here. Below, you can already find some highlights.
For those of you who won't be able to join us: we will record most of the talks, and you will be able to see some clips of the concerts in a couple of weeks. Or maybe this video message from composer Daniel Hart and editor Nico Leunen will convince you to join. Daniel Hart and Nico Leunen are both members of this year's international jury at Film Fest Gent and both speakers at the WSA Film Music Days.