Dear [fullname,fallback=],
We received the results of the first voting round and can now proudly present to you the first wave of award nominees. Thank you all for voting!
We hope you will also vote in the second voting round that has started today. You should have received a separate email with all the necessary instructions on how to vote. The second voting round will determine the winners in the categories Film Composer of the Year, Television Composer of the Year, and Best Original Song. The voting deadline is 22 August 2022, 23:59 (W. Europe Standard Time).
In this WSAcademy newsletter, you will find an overview of all the nominees (you can also read more about them on our website) and find further information on how to register for the WSA Industry Packages.
We hope to welcome as many Academy members as possible to Ghent for the Award Ceremony and our WSA Film Music Days.